Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Copying a single database table from VWDE to SQL server management express


As the heading states, I'd like to copy a database table from VWDE over to SQL SME, where it'll replace its namesake. I've tried the 'attach' method but was denied due to server permissions. Is there another way of doing this, or will I have to delete the database and then run a script to reinstate (annoyingly convoluted)? This would be so much easier if the host supported SQL 2005 Express.

Thanks in advance


The only way to attach a .mdf file to a SQL Server instance is to use the attach option in the Management Studio or call sp_attach_db stored procedure.

So I suggest you get proper permission in the database then try again.

HTH. If this does not answer your question, please feel free to mark the post as Not Answered and reply. Thank you!


Hello Kevin,

Thanks for the reply; I'm sure what you suggest will work, as I had intended to use the attach method were it not for the permissions problem. Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a way around this problem. When connecting to SQL 2000 using SQL Studio, a complete list of all databases on the server is visible. Clearly the permissions are in place to stop people accessing the wrong database. To attach a database, one must right click on 'database'; however access is denied at this point. A headache indeed.


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