Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Copying views

I have two databases A & B, I copied all of the tabels and data from A
to B. I can't figure out how to copy the Views and Stored procedures
from A to B. As you can see I'm new at this, can anyone point me in
the right direction? Oh... forgot running SQL 2000.

Thanks[posted and mailed, please reply in news]

Jim Davidson (raccoon@.icubed.com) writes:
> I have two databases A & B, I copied all of the tabels and data from A
> to B. I can't figure out how to copy the Views and Stored procedures
> from A to B. As you can see I'm new at this, can anyone point me in
> the right direction? Oh... forgot running SQL 2000.

If you want to make a complete copy of a database, there are certainly
easier ways to go. The below assumes that you run Query Analyzer:

exec sp_helpdb yourdb
-- Make notice of the values in the name and filename columns. (Cut
-- and paste to query window.)

BACKUP DATABASE yourdb TO DISK = 'C:\temp\yourbackup.bak'
RESTORE DATABASE yourdbcopy FROM DISK = 'C:\temp\yourbackup.bak'
WITH MOVE 'yourdb' TO 'C:\MSSQL\Data\copyofyourdb.mdf',
MOVE 'yourdblog' TO 'C:\MSSQL\Data\copyofyourdb.ldf',
EXEC master..xp_cmdshell 'DEL C:\temp\yourbackup.bak'

In the RESTORE command replace yourdb and yourdblog with the values
from the name column in the sp_helpdb output, and in paths, replace
the directory paths with the value from the filename columns. You
must change the file name.

Note that RESTORE DATABASE creates the database if it does not exist.

You can also do the backup and restore stuff from Enterprise Manager,
but I am more confident with the T-SQL commands, so I cannot describe
those dialogs.

An alternative, is to use sp_detach_db, copy the database files and
then use sp_attach_db on the copy and the original.

As for the original question, the answer is that you should maintain
all your SQL objects under version control and reload from the source
there. You can also use the scripting facilities in Enterprise
Manager. Right-click the database, and select All Tasks and then
Generate SQL Scripts.

Erland Sommarskog, SQL Server MVP, sommar@.algonet.se

Books Online for SQL Server SP3 at

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