Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Copying a DTS Package and Jobs

Hi everybody,

Just want to ask how can I copy a DTS Package? Something like "Save As"...saving a DTS Package to another package name in the same server, or copying a DTS package to another server.

What I am doing right now, is I create the whole package again just to have another copy of it.

Same question with a Job.

Thank you so much. :)Why not try scripting it then just execute?|||for jobs u can right click on a job and use "generate sql script" to script it and execute it with QA.

for DTS it is a bit tricky. u can save-as an open DTS package as "structured storage file" (location drop-down). copy that disk file to another machine. and then right click on Data-Transformation-Services to open that saved package. need to save it again in SQL server of that machine.

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