Saturday, February 25, 2012

Copy/Paste text into a field

I've encountered a strange problem with the Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio.

When I manually edit a record in a table and want to insert text with more lines, only the first line is copied into the field.

The field type I use is nvarchar(max) but it doesn't really matter what type it is.

The problem only exists in the Management studio. When I perform the same task in the "old" Entreprise Manager it works fine.

Am I doing something wrong or does anybody have a key to whats wrong?



I don't think you are doing anything wrong. I suspect the edit control in the grid just doesn't support multi-line text.

Please report this issue here:

We use defect reports and feature requests filed at the feedback center to make decisions about future versions and service packs of SQL Server.

As a work around, you could write a T-SQL update statement to make the change you want. That's how the grid control updates the table behind the scenes.


|||It's been some time since this was originally posted; I wonder if there's been any action taken on this?
I'm also having a similar problem. I often copy/paste text between database tables (usually a development table and later a production table).
This works fine in Enterprise Manager, but Management Stuido(2005), cells that contain multi-lines are not copied (it seems to be "blowing up" on the crlf; it dosen't seem to be an issue with the length of the text copied).

Its possible that there is a setting somewhere to change the behavior of the Results grid to allow this, but thus far I haven't found anything.
I followed the link provided above, but eventually decided it would be easier to write my own interface than to follow all the trails now necessary submit feedback. :)
At least I can complain here. :)|||

I just did a quick search on Microsoft Connect for any bug that was reported by customers, but did not find anything.

Could you this suggestion on


Paul A. Mestemaker II
Program Manager
Microsoft SQL Server Manageability

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